
Denmark continues to be proclaimed as the “happiest” country in the world. There are several reasons given for this, however, I wonder if it may have to do with all the bicycle riding (= exercise) the Danes get! We rented bicycles a couple days and were able to cover most everything we wanted to see and do. Below are some photos of our scenic adventures.

Nyhavn (New Harbor):

Copenhagen, Denmark Photo - NyhavnCopenhagen, Denmark Photo - Nighttime at New Harbor



Copenhagen, Denmark Photo - Panoramic of New Harbor


Botanical Garden:

Copenhagen, Denmark Photo - Lily Pond at Botanical Garden

Copenhagen, Denmark Photo - Garden Shop at Botanical Garden








Bicycles & Flowers:

Copenhagen, Denmark Photo - Flower Filled Bicyle         Copenhagen - Flowers & BicyclesCopenhagen - The Market - Flower Bouquets

Copenhagen - The Market - Rose Bouquests

Copenhagen - The Market - Seed PodsCopenhagen - The Market - Beautiful Displays   Copenhagen - The Market - Pink & White Flower Bouquets









The Market Delights:










Copenhagen - The Market - Fresh ApplesCopenhagen - The Market - Cheeses









Tivoli Gardens:

Copenhagen - Tivoli Gardens - Peacock Copenhagen - Tivoli Gardens - Landscaping













Copenhagen - Christiania Murals Copenhagen - Christiania Entrance

The Little Mermaid & Hans Christian Andersen Statue:

Copenhagen - Hans Christian Andersen Statue Copenhagen - The Little Mermaid Sculpture














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